Monday, January 14, 2008

JB Love...a love meant to be [chapter 2]

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-17 15:45:26
User: kakeonastik39
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Part 2 The next day... *Kevin calls Kari* Kevin: Hey. What are you up to? Kari: Nothing. I miss you though. Kevin: *Jokingly* Stop it. Kari: Must I? Kevin: Yes, because I'm coming to pick you up in about 5 minutes. Then you wont have to miss me. Kari: You're sweet. Kevin: Indeed I am. *They hang up.* *Kevin arrives at Kari's house* Kevin: Where would you like to go?? Kari: uhh...DRUG MART!! Kevin: Why Drug Mart?? Kari: You'll see. Its sooooo amazing!! Kevin: I'll just trust you on that. At Kayla's House... *Tori calls Kayla.* Tori: Guess what!! Kayla: I don't know...what? Tori: I'M GOING OUT WITH JOE!! *Kayla hangs up the phone and cries.* *Nick calls her.* Kayla: *Through her tears* Hello? Nick: Hey. What's wrong. *Kayla explains about Tori and Joe.* Nick: Oh. *Hurt that she likes Joe, and not him.* Nick: Well how about I come and cheer you up. Kayla: If you really feel like it. Its probably gonna be a waste of time. Nick: I don't knokw about that... *They hang up and Joe drops Nick off at Kayla's house.* *Nick knocks on her door.* *Kayla's mom answers* Nick: Hi. Is Kayla here? Kayla's Mom: Yeah, she's in her room. You can just go up there and it?s the last room on the right. Nick: Okay then. *Nick heads up to Kayla's room.* *He enters to find Kayla napping on her bed, her faced tearstained with heartbreak.* *Nick gently shakes her to wake her up.* Kayla: Oh. Hey Nick. I didn't mean to fall asleep. Nick: It?s alright. Kayla: I actually feel a little better now. Nick: How? Kayla: You actually cared. You came here to help me. Nick: *blushing* Thanks. Kayla: Don't mention it. Nick: You wanna go somewhere. Kayla: Sure. *They leave to walk to the park.* Nick: This sure is fun. Kayla: Yeah. You're definitely cooler than Joe. Nick: Or are you saying that because you're mad that Tori and Joe are dating. Kayla: Don't be modest. You really are sweet. Nick. Thanks. *They arrive at the park.* *Kayla runs to the swings* Kayla: I love whoever invented swings. Nick: Swings are pretty amazing. With Kevin and Kari? *They arrive at Drug Mart.* Kari: See?? Isn't this cool?? Kevin: Actually yeah. I don't remember ever having fun at a store... Kari: You have to give things a chance. Kevin: Like this?? *Kari stands there* *Kevin kisses her cheek.* Kari: Yes. Exactly like that. *They walk around the store for awhile, playing with every little random thing they could find.* *They then came to the Axe aisle and started spraying Axe at each other.* Store Manager: I'm gonna have to ask you guys to leave. Kari: Alright. *Kari and Kevin walk out laughing.* In Kevin's car... Kari: Look, I really like you. Kevin: I like you too...and... Kari: Yeah? Kevin. Will you...uhh...will you... umm..go out with me?? Kari: I'd be honored. *Kevin pulls up to Kari's house.* *Kevin kisses her lips softly.* Kevin: Goonight. Kari: Night. I'll text you later. Kevin: I'll be looking forward to it. *Kari watches Kevin drive away until she can't see him anymore.* With Nick and Kayla... Nick: Its snowing again. Kayla: *jokingly* Well that?s what it does in the winter. *Kayla gets up and runs behind the big tree.* Nick: Hey!!! Where are you going? Kayla: Over here. *She comes out from behind the tree with a snowball.* *Nick starts to fun away, but Kayla hits him in the butt.* Nick: Hey! *Kayla laughs* *Kayla checks her phone.* Kayla: Crap! We gotta get home!! Your mom is there!! Nick: I'll beat you there!! Kayla: I'll take that as a challenge, *Nick and Kayla run back to Kayla's house.* Nick: I won. Kayla: *Between breaths.* It was a tie. Nick: Fine. *Kayla and Nick walk up to Mrs. Jonas' car.* Kayla: Thanks so much for coming to make me feel better. I haven't had that much fun in my life!! Nick: Your very welcome. And it really was fun. Kayla: Buh bye. Nick: Bye. *He blushes and gets in the car.* In the car... Joe: Hey!! Nick: AHHH!! You scared me. Joe: Why were u blushing when you got in. Nick: No reason... Joe: Nick...?? Nick: I'm not telling you. Joe: You don't have to. I know you like Kayla. *Nick blushes again.* Nick: No I don't. Joe: Lying is bad. Nick: Whatever.


icis500 ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 21:04:00

i like it lying is bad lol hahaha you are funny this should be a book and i olny had read up to chapter 2 good job though
gabriellalolove ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 19:09:21

haha lying is bad lol! that was the funniest part.
dafhl ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 16:12:41

haha that happens to me too
kakeonastik39 ::: Favorites  2008-01-04 06:42:23

idk nemore. haha. im sorta slow on that...
dafhl ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 22:43:07

what problem?
dafhl ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 22:42:47

kakeonastik39 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 22:42:17

i dont get what the problem is. im saying this in no offense, but i really don't get it.
kakeonastik39 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 22:41:23

dafhl ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 22:26:04

wanna be friends?
preppygirly101 ::: Favorites  2008-01-03 22:24:26

my mother definatly wouldnt
dafhl ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 20:43:37

yeahh and i guess like noone with a half a brain would do anything with their parents their (im a Christian too )
kakeonastik39 ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 20:38:59

uhh..mine. none of my friend's parents don't care, cuz they trust us...we're all Christians too so i guess that doesn't really concern them... i guess i just got used to having no one care about having guys in rooms...
dafhl ::: Favorites  2008-01-02 20:01:37

i like it but um what mom would let a boy go into her teenage daughters room lol its awesome tho
JonasChick99 ::: Favorites  2007-12-31 02:14:53

good job!(=
steanybeany12 ::: Favorites  2007-12-29 13:39:17

hahaaa i like ittt!

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