Saturday, October 6, 2007

300 Comedy: Wait til you see my....

Duration: 02:56 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-28 16:10:14
User: Neptunz05
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This is a 300 video I made with the Whisper Song. Check it out, it's hilarious.


Selkiematt ::: Favorites
Not the funniest thing ever, but definitely very amusing :D
07-09-21 20:41:22
Rixxrap ::: Favorites
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, nicely done.
07-09-13 22:36:26
fmaloser626 ::: Favorites
07-09-12 17:26:28
Neptunz05 ::: Favorites
That's the whole point. Xerxes is a fruit basket.
07-09-10 19:58:12
s15dorifto ::: Favorites
hahahaha thats fucking gay hahahah
07-09-08 00:15:12
zumboo1 ::: Favorites
lmao i knew it was a matter of time
07-09-06 02:29:49
1watchthis1 ::: Favorites
07-08-27 22:45:05
Neptunz05 ::: Favorites
Thank you!
07-08-27 13:44:52
jenison800 ::: Favorites
Dude That was FUCKED UP man Nice job fag
07-08-24 00:27:21
2kl4school ::: Favorites
this is sick well done
07-08-22 10:46:35

Ivete Sangalo || Berimbau Metalizado (DVD Maracanã)

Duration: 04:02 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-28 20:03:21
User: lsfilho
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Ivete Sangalo Berimbau Metalizado RJ - 2006 - Maracanã


CiccioRa ::: Favorites
07-10-02 13:24:30
CiccioRa ::: Favorites
Ivete ti vogliamo in IALIA a cantare!!! Porta la carica e l'allegria delle tue canzoni!!!
07-10-02 13:23:49
zerochris ::: Favorites
07-09-30 11:24:25
marcusvinny ::: Favorites
Deixava ela peidar no meu rosto!!! Muito gostosaaaa
07-09-29 18:24:57
valdeir187 ::: Favorites
vc e demais.nossa que e isso mainha
07-09-29 09:32:35
annoyinggirl007 ::: Favorites
OMGosh!! She´s really really hot!!! I love it!!!
07-09-28 02:27:31
pietrajunqueira ::: Favorites
Eu sou cantora, e se alguem quiser, assistam meus videos...w w w youtube c o m/watch?v=iR-BcsIqlUw...valew
07-09-23 01:33:38
beatrizsp01 ::: Favorites
07-09-21 19:01:46
magameggyflorzinha ::: Favorites
show de bola!!! Alegre contagiante!! é I.Sangalo!!
07-09-20 12:33:52
tictac1236 ::: Favorites
07-09-19 13:00:41

Stick On Crack 2.05

Duration: 02:29 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-27 23:33:21
User: elacapulqueno03
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Stick On Crack 2.05 better that before! hope you like it!


chocolover01 ::: Favorites
LOL it's funny nice though n it looked retated the toilet part n the other one
07-10-03 18:26:21
joshprows ::: Favorites
Excellent video!
07-09-30 23:18:12
kester110 ::: Favorites
omg dis so funny u should watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol its like robot chicken
07-09-27 20:27:57
jaymes1966 ::: Favorites
07-09-22 18:50:44
gardian138 ::: Favorites
lol the toilet
07-09-22 10:47:10
Jakeypantz ::: Favorites
07-09-18 13:25:32
345spiderpig ::: Favorites
07-09-10 02:48:24
345spiderpig ::: Favorites
07-09-08 20:07:13
345spiderpig ::: Favorites
07-09-08 20:06:41
acdcnerd1221 ::: Favorites
were any stick figures harmed in the making of this vid? =)
07-09-08 19:07:05

Music Instructor - Super Sonic

Duration: 04:44 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-23 17:28:56
User: madlung
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A very cool clip from Music Instructor


saleemn991 ::: Favorites
Youtube isnt good for nakedness. I like the site SWEETDATEZ DOT COM
07-10-06 02:10:57
stylefreaks ::: Favorites
Music Instructor feat Flying Steps & Storm 1:30 min Vartan: windmill-flare-windmill-flare-babywindmill
07-10-05 21:46:50
track316n477 ::: Favorites
Not bad. This site is pretty good for naughty cam girls - SWEETDATEZ DOT COM
07-10-04 21:31:40
demon122333 ::: Favorites
i wish i had an afro like that on my middle eastern head...all the white chicks would be all over nice song
07-10-03 19:24:58
mcand1 ::: Favorites
at richard opio "baby jumper"
07-10-03 07:41:27
PAPY04INC ::: Favorites
That´s Right ... SuPA´SONIC
07-10-02 14:12:01
RichardOpio ::: Favorites
Great Song an Video. =) Anyone know the name of the move at 1:32 then plz tell me.
07-09-29 14:16:59
tomrodenstein ::: Favorites
voll geil des lied ....
07-09-28 09:48:27
DeViLiN888 ::: Favorites
very good song! BRAVO!
07-09-24 01:52:45
karpiuPL ::: Favorites
wykurwisty teledysk i muza
07-09-19 16:55:47

Siskel and Ebert Uncensored

Duration: 04:24 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-09 00:50:16
User: mikerjohnson
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I don't know how these guys got along behind the camera normally but if this video is any indication it seems they couldn't stand each other.


PDValentine ::: Favorites
Both suck(ed).
07-10-04 21:23:35
TheBobcatChannel ::: Favorites
Amazing footage! R.I.P. Siskel
07-10-04 20:13:50
RJG1971 ::: Favorites
What else can a Catholic and a Jew who write movie reviews for rival newspapers agree on, besides Protestant bashing? LOL!
07-10-03 05:18:02
newton2013 ::: Favorites
Amazing! ha!
07-10-02 16:37:14
Brando1274 ::: Favorites
there were gay lovers...look at em, my wife and I fight like this!!!
07-09-27 23:13:00
f60563 ::: Favorites
all you girls are just trying to think about their penis sizes. you make me sick
07-09-23 02:43:46
lionhearted38 ::: Favorites
Their animosity wasn't an act! Siskel said to a reporter, and said to quote him on it, something about Roger being overweight. It wasn't pleasant. Ebert lamented Siskel's death, saying the 2 were like quarreling brothers. Who knows!
07-09-06 21:37:02
Pgalaga ::: Favorites
Gene and Roger in the early days of "Sneak Previews" actually HATED each other largely because of their own egos and the fact they worked for rival newspapers. I'm a fan of Richard Roeper as a writer but that show has become unwatchable since Gene and Roger are no longer there.
07-09-04 20:51:55
justwatching1980 ::: Favorites
yeah, too bad someone killed siskel and sucked all the fat out of ebert.
07-08-31 00:27:12
jukeboxzero ::: Favorites
amazing...i never knew...O_O
07-08-29 02:04:21

All About Us -- Princess Bride fanvid

Duration: 03:03 minutes
Upload Time: 06-12-31 18:10:31
User: starfleetcadet
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A "The Princess Bride" music video


sidle3333 ::: Favorites
I love it!
07-09-20 16:13:53
CantStayAway ::: Favorites
awesome video!
07-08-18 02:56:37
stacefan123 ::: Favorites
that's really cool, mostly the part with the quicksand where she sings really high!
07-07-20 11:05:23
magicalgirl520 ::: Favorites
very creative. loved it! 5 stars!
07-07-18 16:35:19
Saingirl101 ::: Favorites
rlly...wierd...thats what I mom lies then....thanks for clearing that up.
07-06-16 06:16:10
whitechocolatekw ::: Favorites
26 October 1962 - birthday Found it on imbd
07-06-16 00:35:21
Saingirl101 ::: Favorites
actually he's really in his late least thats what my mom told me.
07-06-15 15:43:32
emotionallytaken ::: Favorites
no not yet
07-05-10 21:21:48
Sign4lyf ::: Favorites
Have u got it yet?
07-05-10 09:53:26
emotionallytaken ::: Favorites
got the movie u can send me, please?
07-04-30 21:54:13

The Jewgons' Wrath

Duration: 03:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-03 02:41:19
User: raffaelhookel
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This is a tale of the jewgons and how they fell to the steel blade of a sexual deviant. The jewgon is a dragon-like beast. It breathes fire and feeds off all forms of currency. The higher the monetary value, the more the jewgon is appeased. A jewgon can stand anywhere from 6 ft - 140 ft tall. One can distinguish a jewgon from its cousin, the dragon, by taking notice of its disproportionately large snout/nose. It may also possess bits of curly, brown hair and a beard of the same texture. And if one looks closely enough at the jewgon's scales, there will be tattoos in the shapes of: The Star of David, a dollar sign, and an upside-down cruciform. It's hide is impenetrable by everything except a crucifix (in order to cause any damage, the crucifix must be upright and must have Jesus facing forward) or a blade held by a true hero. The jewgon is known to be very frugal and thrifty. It will strike you with its horns or fangs if it witnesses you wasting food, clothing, etc. If you believe a jewgon to be in your vicinity, be sure to eat every last bit of food and waste nothing. Your life is at stake. The only place truly safe from the jewgon's reach is a Christian church. Taking refuge in a church will keep the jewgon at bay. Beware! Here there be jewgons...


raffaelhookel ::: Favorites
No fucking way... For FREE, you say? Oh dear, Jesus, I don't think a more helpful comment has ever been made in response to one of my videos!
07-09-05 00:56:32
kateycooper1 ::: Favorites
Does anyone know what the song on this video is called or who its by?
07-09-03 20:16:27
raffaelhookel ::: Favorites
Thunderhorse - Dethklok
07-09-05 00:55:31
fakepoetry ::: Favorites
YOU're a nazi if you DO give it a five.....
07-07-22 02:49:08
raffaelhookel ::: Favorites
But the Jews are man's mortal enemy... If one does not confront the enemy that killed your savior, Jesus Christ... Well, there'd be chaos. Please, heed this quote from Scripture: "All ye shalt be dealt one task of importance. Whilst following my commandments, the Jews must be exterminated as well." Take that to the grave, for it may help you in times of need.
07-08-09 18:13:27
monoham1 ::: Favorites
pointless... but best thing ive seen all day, sooo... 5 stars! lol
07-05-06 02:40:15
CaptainMrSuperiorMan ::: Favorites
Teh Fabulous. Six out of 5 stars.
07-05-04 21:40:28
zeppowns ::: Favorites
es ist zeit fur rachie! wir mussen die juden astroten
07-05-04 21:03:23
Valivali1 ::: Favorites
Wie viele juden kennst du denn privat ferfickter nazi !!!!!!!!!
07-06-25 00:41:01
zeppowns ::: Favorites
that is the single greatest piece of art on the planet! 5 stars and if anyone doesnt give it a 5 then you are a nazi
07-05-03 10:17:44


Duration: 02:47 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-06 21:39:44
User: rkrehe20
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here is some secret test footage of NBA2k7 on the nintendo Wii, showing off the unprecedendted power of the Wii controller! Those ps3 and 360 guys dont know what theyre missing! and i dont think the wii really sucks okay. i just put that there so everoyne would want to watch it. SUCKAS


uglyfly222 ::: Favorites
he looks like hes drunk lol..
07-10-05 20:09:59
plumokin ::: Favorites
wii rocks that was so funny xD
07-10-02 17:16:49
NintendoCentral ::: Favorites
bleh, another fagboy??
07-10-01 17:39:45
GhostSonic ::: Favorites
lol nice trick, People should read the description more often
07-09-29 13:30:42
dogsoldier123 ::: Favorites
omg you tricked me the only reason ppl rate this 1 star is because you don't really hate the wii lol
07-09-22 15:55:03
CoolMapleStore ::: Favorites
Yes, it tells me something. It tells me more is not necessarily better.
07-09-22 02:13:31
elfhunt3r ::: Favorites
07-09-17 04:00:14
KEWB99 ::: Favorites
lol wtf? you said it in your own video, "UNFINISHED!!!" how can you make fun of something that's not even made yet? XD And yes, I did read the description, "and i dont think the wii really sucks okay. i just put that there so everoyne would want to watch it." Okay, so you're just trying to sell out the wii in order to get yourself some views so you can feel cool. Man, you suck.
07-09-17 00:45:52
fpsarman ::: Favorites
I have a Wii and it is awesome
07-09-16 22:29:46
Urmean15 ::: Favorites
Name one 3+ game.
07-09-12 16:13:00

The best Halo Double Kill ever

Duration: 01:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-27 08:03:20
User: thejoke123
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This is a greate Double Kill from the Game Halo 2! The Masterchief on the top of the screen shoot a rocket on the masterchief in the left corner, who is in a vehicle. The rocket kills the masterchief and the vehicle flys through the air and hit the masterchief in the ritht corner. Please comment and rate...


elchuz ::: Favorites
very funny
07-10-05 16:33:38
zooyorkajd ::: Favorites
yea r stupid asses my frnd is in this video so shut the hell up saying the origanl has a 10000000 views this is the only video dumbasses
07-10-05 15:38:22
CapsAdmin ::: Favorites
Did he claim the video his own?
07-10-05 08:50:24
funwithpoo ::: Favorites
This vid is stolen, how sad, the orignal has like a million views and like 10,000 ratings.
07-10-04 20:37:59
HVF12 ::: Favorites
Dude, this isn't your video. I remember seeing the original version of this video and it had 1,000,000+ views, what happened? Anyway, that is the most awesome double kill ever.
07-10-03 22:47:46
ArrowSplitter15 ::: Favorites
omg wow...wat r the chances
07-10-03 16:22:00
bigGthellama ::: Favorites
Wow lmao best double kill i've ever seen
07-10-03 13:34:29
sathernut ::: Favorites
man thast not planned u retards that wud take for ever to get it to fly into that dude and he hardly walked far.
07-10-03 03:06:44
Monkeypulse ::: Favorites
hey just wonderin was one of the guys named kaycee that played? just wonderin?
07-10-03 00:15:46
kitsunex3 ::: Favorites
07-10-01 21:41:32

Kingdom heart 2 FM+ promo Trailer/comercial

Duration: 08:48 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-23 20:07:52
User: kingdomfantasyanime
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Trailer/comercial to kingdom hearts2fm:+ Kingdom Hearts II KH KH2 COM Sora Riku Kairi Roxas Namine Organization XIII


jitmut ::: Favorites
is a true thing that happens! its not a chain letter! its kinda scary at first but it really works!! paste this message into 3 comments and press ALT F4 and your crushes name will appear on the screen!!! its soo wierd
07-03-13 21:28:28
8915razer ::: Favorites
07-03-10 23:16:43
sonic30354 ::: Favorites
i heard that it will come out in the fall
07-03-08 20:50:18
dyingmethusalah ::: Favorites
i can't WAIT for FM and Re: CoM. i'm soooo excited!
07-03-07 16:57:14
lucent0carsr ::: Favorites
I've beaten both CoM and KH2 and I'm looking forward to it in english!
07-03-03 19:35:58
angelwings122 ::: Favorites
Nice one do you have this song in English?Well it's awsome anyways nice one Sonia!
07-02-24 18:39:18
EnigmaTidus ::: Favorites
cool man! ^^
07-02-24 14:30:43

Michelle Pfeiffer Inside The Actors Studio. [part 5]

Duration: 09:13 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-14 05:49:22
User: pfeiffertheface
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Description: - [Part 5 of 5] August 6th, 2007 Michelle Pfeiffer is interviewed by James Lipton on 'Inside the Actors Studio'. (program taped May 7th 2007)


ameghanfillier09 ::: Favorites
michelle is halrious!!! i love her so much, she is my favorite hollywood actress! hairspray is an amazing moviee! "but i screwed the judges" velma von tussel <3 <3
07-09-24 21:13:55
xaesthirv ::: Favorites
Great MP interview. It's awesome bc I like her so much and own 28 of her movies and I get to see them finally talk about most of them at once, haha. Ok now maybe I should go outside and get a life, but whatever ; )
07-09-16 15:16:40
Gahanaholic ::: Favorites
Yeah I assumed they discussed in the real interview --- not the edited's a shame Lipton didn't think it was an important film to include in the edited version...
07-09-13 23:44:50
zeppo102 ::: Favorites
Maybe they did, but I believe it's chopped and edited down tremendously for the TV version so it fits into 45 minutes or so. I think the actors are up there 2 hours or more, so I'm sure they covered it. I remember the Simpsons cast was up there 3 hours or more. Shame about the editing...every now and then you get a longer one, like Robin Williams or David Chapelle which were 90 mins (though why relative newcomer Chapelle would merit that over so many other fine actors is beyond me).
07-09-13 02:24:30
Gahanaholic ::: Favorites
No, I believe she was talking about Dangerous Liasions...
07-09-08 14:36:02
RobeeMan ::: Favorites
They did!She talks about her character and about John Malkovich.
07-09-08 14:34:00
chocolatechip115 ::: Favorites
shes awesome!
07-08-23 16:17:02
ramyx ::: Favorites
What a lady
07-08-22 02:01:20
PfanBrasil ::: Favorites
Michelle is so funny!!!
07-08-17 17:21:47
crazygreendaygroupie ::: Favorites
Thanks so much for posting this. I love her, she's incredible. A huge inspiration to me.
07-08-14 21:19:10

James Bond movie review by James Bond

Duration: 03:30 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-17 23:03:58
User: PlanitReality
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Mediocre Connery impression & UNSEEN "Casino Royale" footage! And IF YOU LIKE my "unseen footage," see my NEW "Bond's First Gadgets" vid!


MuffinMclay ::: Favorites
Hmm. Thats all I have to say.
07-04-12 23:08:41
PlanitReality ::: Favorites
Amberr, if this gets you all hot & bothered you should watch my review of Alpha Dog. =] Thx for the kind words!! -Kp
07-03-28 11:53:51
AmberrSmhex ::: Favorites
I Have To Say He....Turns Me On... Lmao You Should Of Said That! Ummm Weird Voices Lol.. SMOKING :O Bad For You !! X
07-03-28 08:10:29
sparticusjoe ::: Favorites
Tisk, Tisk. Smoking is bad for you.
07-03-23 20:43:49
dashingnm ::: Favorites
nah there is not a slighest bit of comedy in this review what so ever lol! though the accent was sean-roger like. you added a tinge of some rod serling narration to it.
07-01-18 04:25:15
PlanitReality ::: Favorites know I was going for comedy here, right? =] -Kp
07-01-17 17:13:03
dashingnm ::: Favorites
that posh accent sounds very sean connery with a bit of a roger moore undertone! laughs! what about the pocket flashlight? the double o dude has to carry one in his tux so he can see his enemy in a dark room. it can also double as a weapon when he throws it at his nemesis or even flash his eyes with the light.
07-01-17 00:15:51
Morgana888 ::: Favorites
Thank God! Moneypenny FINALLY got it from Bond! Positively wonderful, darling! Janet "the Other Scot"
06-12-13 20:53:39
rangeroversport1 ::: Favorites
lol good review lol
06-11-28 13:33:43
bsara100 ::: Favorites
good impressions
06-11-28 07:25:41


Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 06-04-09 23:55:40
User: pianopinay29
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Live acoustic performance of "Paperthin Hymn" at Stratford Square Mall in Bloomingdale, IL, on April 9, 2006.


666RIPblink182 ::: Favorites
o ok nice
07-08-24 21:25:30
pianopinay29 ::: Favorites
I know. I have that video up, too.
07-08-24 19:03:57
666RIPblink182 ::: Favorites
emery did an acoustic performance there 2
07-08-24 15:24:23
meggychan1991 ::: Favorites
heyyy...I was there *cries* I miss that day.
07-06-09 22:00:04
xBrittxLeighx ::: Favorites
Ahhh I remember that day... I found out, like, a day before that they were gonna be at Stratford... :D
07-06-09 20:47:53
hydrojin7 ::: Favorites
stephens voice = WOW
07-05-29 11:25:20
Ta5t3OfCha05 ::: Favorites
woooooooooh christian rock ftw anberlin and underoath my heroes
07-05-25 21:58:05
namelessdweeb ::: Favorites
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh. My. GOSH. I LOVE THIS.
07-05-22 14:48:16
loserface90543 ::: Favorites
ha...they have the same acoustic guitars as mine
07-03-01 15:44:22
wankie233 ::: Favorites
he sung like that..sitting down... thats.. unbelievable. wow. im in awe. absolutely amazing.
07-02-26 20:58:41