Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kenya The Documentary Film - (the first 2 minutes)

Duration: 02:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-20 15:03:36
User: ColorsStudios
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The first online peek at the epic adventure, Kenya: the documentary film. Get an amazing look inside the culture, traditions, and life of the Kenyan people during these turbulent times.


SoupPotato ::: Favorites  2007-10-25 15:18:30

LOL! DD-214! What did you do goto the library and get one? That would be smart, send me your DD-214 so that I have all your info! Great Idea seaman.
partymariner ::: Favorites  2007-10-25 14:24:26

Your 33 years old! I can't believe it given your childish banter! "A veteran would never spout off like you" as if I'm answering to some stern father figure! That comment shows that you obviously still have a juvenile mindset...did dad smack you around as a boy and leave some emotional scars? I'll be sure to mail my DD-214 to you, hero, since your so preoccupied with my military stint jackass!
SoupPotato ::: Favorites  2007-10-25 11:59:54

A veteran would never spout off like you. More specifically some panzy who claims to have floated on a boat during a crisis. Great job choice you dolt.
partymariner ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 22:00:10

No genius " ASSUMING makes an Ass out of You and Me"...get the saying right! Secondly, you argue since I don't blindly accept what the Government spouts that "you doubt I served" Thats really assinine logic. How about all those Iraq Veterans Against the War, are they not veterans now that they turned on the war?I think you just like to type crap for the sake of pissing people old are you?
SoupPotato ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 06:55:16

Be careful who's advice you buy. But be patience with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia Dispensing it, is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts, and recycling for more than it's worth. I doubt you served. Assuming, without pretext that I listen to ONLY ONE side is making an ASS out of U and ME. Put the upper case words together...thats your homework.
partymariner ::: Favorites  2007-10-24 04:55:13

For your info I did serve in the Navy which is why I detest the lies and flagrant attack on the rule of law. Why are you so fucking stupid? Stop listening to Rush, Hannity and Fox news they are not telling you the truth! What are you some high school kid?
SoupPotato ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 23:46:01

RE: Partymariner. You obviously have never served yourself. So why don't you put together a co-herant thought yourself. Put the bong water down and move out of your moms house...and get a job.
partymariner ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 21:47:25

The boogeyman terrrorist!Why can't conservatives think beyond a sixth grade level? Is that why you identify with an obviously stupid man like Bush? Do all of you conduct yourselves as childish bullys in your everyday lives?Most of you choose not to serve in the military, why? Does Bush legitamize your cowardly bellicosity? Just some observations I had!
partymariner ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 21:41:02

"The Iraq war was largely about oil." Alan Greenspan "Of course the war was about oil, we can't really deny that..." Gen. John Abizaid We are not getting oil due to the failure of the occupation and lack of security. The average american will not see any benefit from the war becouse it was about denying China and India access to the resource!
kerreck ::: Favorites  2007-10-12 15:25:16

"you are one fucking idiot. We are not getting any oil from IRAQ. So if you have any proof of this please please show us. You need to get your head out of your ass." i agree
Trebor65 ::: Favorites  2007-09-08 06:10:24

you are one fucking idiot. We are not getting any oil from IRAQ. So if you have any proof of this please please show us. You need to get your head out of your ass.
secularlife4me ::: Favorites  2007-09-07 21:39:51

We tried to start a war there, but there's no oil!!

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